“You Make the Memories, We’ll Make the Arrangements”

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DIVING with Verna Breeze is one of the best ways you can explore the amazing underwater world of the British Virgin Islands. Upon your charter yacht, you can experience colorful reefs, vibrant sea life, and gorgeous anchorages. Beyond diving, Verna Breeze cooks up delicious meals every night all of which can be enjoyed under the stars!

Check out these comments from recent guests onboard Verna Breeze :

Chris & Kelly, 

“This charter has been one of the highlights of our family history. The diving, dining, and camaraderie could not have been better. We will depart with images of moments remembered. Your hospitality seems boundless. Truly this has been one of the most unforgettable experiences of our lives and the entire credit goes to the both of you.”

“Thank you very much for an exquisite trip with Verna Breeze. You are a great host and guide. The sensational meals, dives, happy hours, and island tours were outdone only by your gracious hospitality. Thank You!”

“You turned my birthday into an unforgettable adventure. I loved each and every dive. Kelly’s meals were sensational and unbelievable!   Our family has taken some amazing vacations but none surpass this one. We hope to be back soon!”

Want to learn more about diving with Verna Breeze? Contact BVI Sail.

Contact us at 1-321-777-1707 or complete this form to discuss your vacation plans.